Director Watch Podcast Ep. 90 – ‘Charlie Wilson’s War’ (Mike Nichols, 2007) with Special Guest Tom O’Brien
Welcome to Director Watch! On this AwardsWatch podcast, co-hosts Ryan McQuade and Jay Ledbetter attempt to breakdown, analyze, and ultimately, get inside the mind of some of cinema’s greatest auteurs. In doing so, they will look at their filmographies, explore what drives them artistically and what makes their decision making process so fascinating. Add in a few silly tangents and a fun game at the end of the episode and you’ve got yourself a podcast we truly hope you love. On episode 90 of the Director Watch Podcast, the boys are joined by film critic Tom O’Brien to discuss the final film in their Mike Nichols series, Charlie Wilson’s War (2007).
For the last film in Mike Nichols’ filmography, he attempts again to try and make a political commentary that will stand out as one of best to ever get made. As someone who has tackled the human condition so well throughout his films, Nichols has also chased the idea of making a political film from his films of the 70s, to even a film on this series in Primary Colors. This time working with a script from Aaron Sorkin, Nichols does his best to tell the story of a Texas congressman and the CIA who worked together on a covert operation to support the Afghan mujahideen during the Soviet–Afghan War. Led by Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, and Philip Seymour Hoffman’s stellar performances, Charlie Wilson’s War is mostly the best political film Nichols made; you just wonder if he ever needed to chase this whale in the first place considering this film is still a lesser script from the acclaimed screenwriter behind it. Ryan, Jay, and Tom break down their thoughts on the film, Sorkin as a figure in Hollywood, how uneventful the film feels, Hanks wanting Nichols for this film, the greatness of Hoffman, as well as the guys final rankings of Nichols’ filmography, and a reminder of the next film series the guys will be covering after their upcoming bonus episode for Nichols’ Angels in America.
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This podcast runs 2h. The guys will be back next week with a bonus episode for the Mike Nichols’ series with a review of his acclaimed miniseries, Angels in America. You can rent it via iTunes and Amazon Prime rental or stream on Max in preparation for the next episode of Director Watch. Till then, let’s get into it.
Music: MUSICALIFE, from Pond5 (intro) and “B-3” from BoxCat Games Nameless: The Hackers RPG Soundtrack (outro).