the lone ranger

Visual Effects Society Awards: Gravity and Frozen SweepVisual Effects Society Awards: Gravity and Frozen Sweep

Visual Effects Society Awards: Gravity and Frozen Sweep

Adding one more lock to its inevitable Oscar win, Gravity dominated the Visual Effects Society's (VES) awards, winning six of… Read More

February 13, 2014
Visual Effects Society (VES) 2014 Film Nominations: Also the Number of Nominations Given Out By the VESVisual Effects Society (VES) 2014 Film Nominations: Also the Number of Nominations Given Out By the VES

Visual Effects Society (VES) 2014 Film Nominations: Also the Number of Nominations Given Out By the VES

Gravity Leads the Feature Film Nominations; Frozen and The Croods are Top Animated Film Contenders Los Angeles (January 14, 2014)… Read More

January 14, 2014
Can you shorten it a little: Makeup & Haistyling shortlist announcedCan you shorten it a little: Makeup & Haistyling shortlist announced

Can you shorten it a little: Makeup & Haistyling shortlist announced

After today, there are only seven hopefuls left for winning the Oscar for Best Makeup & Hairstyling, as the shortlist… Read More

December 14, 2013
Ten films move onto Visual Effects shortlistTen films move onto Visual Effects shortlist

Ten films move onto Visual Effects shortlist

The Academy has announced the ten films that will make it to the final bake-off in the Visual Effects category… Read More

December 5, 2013
Predictions Chart – Best Makeup & Hairstyling 2013Predictions Chart – Best Makeup & Hairstyling 2013

Predictions Chart – Best Makeup & Hairstyling 2013

[box type="shadow" align="alignleft"  ][/box] Read More

November 11, 2013