tom bennett

AwardsWatch’s 50 Favorite Performances of 2016AwardsWatch’s 50 Favorite Performances of 2016

AwardsWatch’s 50 Favorite Performances of 2016

It's time for the annual 50 Favo(u)rite Performances list from AwardsWatch and this year features actors with multiple film mentions… Read More

February 22, 2017
Elle, Moonlight and Silence Dominate 14th ICS Award NominationsElle, Moonlight and Silence Dominate 14th ICS Award Nominations

Elle, Moonlight and Silence Dominate 14th ICS Award Nominations

[divider style="solid" top="20" bottom="20"] A French tale of rape revenge, traversing the toxic masculinity as a gay, African-American boy to… Read More

February 6, 2017